




網路上搜尋 資料庫 uuid 會有不少討論,以下列出一些整理


自動遞增序列號 (server side)


  • 效能
    • 欄位型別為 int 或 big int,作為 DB 索引值,速度較快


  • 效能
    • 在插入一筆資料時,若其它資料表也需要知道該主鍵做為 foreign key 或欄位資料,需要多一次 DB query
    • 自動遞增會需要 lock,在 concurrency 情形下,多少會影響效率
  • 安全性
    • 作為 URI 的存取 ID 時,會透露系統資訊 (其它資源的 ID,資源總量等)
  • 擴充
    • 非全域唯一,需要多資料庫整併時,會發生資料衝突


UUID (server side / client side)


  • 全域唯一
    • 在分散式系統上,個別產生也不會衝突
  • 效能
    • 在插入一筆資料時,若其它資料表也需要知道該主鍵做為 foreign key 或欄位資料,不需要多一次 DB query (client side)
  • 安全性
    • 因為 UUID 沒有順序性及透露其它欄位資訊,在作為 URI 的存取 ID 時,較為安全
  • 擴充
    • 資料庫整合時,也不會發生衝突


  • 效能
    • 比起 int 或 big int 較占空間,且索引效率較差 (可能在有幾十萬筆資料之後會有較明顯差異)



隨機不重複碼 (snowflake - client side)


  • 全域唯一 (幾乎)
    • 以時間戳 (timestamp) 構成一部分 ID 識別碼,要衝突除非產生在同一毫秒 (ms)
    • 只要系統時間不回調,單一機器上不會衝突
    • 不同機器上,則要仰賴機器識別碼
  • 效能
    • 在插入一筆資料時,若其它資料表也需要知道該主鍵做為 foreign key 或欄位資料,不需要多一次 DB query (client side)
    • 欄位型別為 big int (20 bytes),作為 DB 索引值,速度較快
  • 安全性
    • 因為其沒有透露其它欄位資訊,在作為 URI 的存取 ID 時,較為安全
  • 擴充
    • 資料庫整合時,也不會發生衝突


  • 非全域唯一 (低機率)
    • 如上說明,除非同一台機器的時間回調,才有可能衝突

刺客 - 暴擊 - 毒 (Assassin - Critical Strike - Poison)







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暴徒 - 盛怒 - 擊暈 (Berserker - Rage - Stun)

這個build是暴徒 + 盛怒 + 暈眩 + 核星 + 暴擊 + 充能球!

This build is an assembly of Berserker, Rage, Stun, Starforge, Critical Strike and Charges



Why are they put together? It is just a combination of what I want to play with and what I thought that could be put together.


首先是新改版的暴徒,其盛怒能力給予的加成很合我的胃口,增加傷害 、攻速還有移動速度,三個願望一次滿足,所以想要玩玩看。

Rage, Berserker's new skill, gives damage, attack speed and movement speed modifiers at the same time, like Frenzy Charge, which is my favorite. So, let's try it.



And I considered that the triggered Intimidating Cry from Farrul's Chase could offset the negative effect of Rage partially. But it was just a misunderstanding, forget it. (Yes, I had tried...)



Stun is what I want to try earlier and Starforge is what I want to use due to its powerful damage. To give more reasons to hold Starforge but not a two hand mace, it's because Starforge gives higher damage and faster attack speed than a two hand mace. Although, there is no additional stun threshold reduction for Starforge or on the passive point for swords, higher damage and faster attack speed make them even as I though.


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元素使 - 野性打擊 (Elementalist - Wild Strike)


As what I thought at the first, I want to make a build of Elementalist with Elemental Hit and Quill Rain.

But I made a decision to discard this build temporarily after ACT10 was completed, because of its low damage.



I think that it will be gamed smoothly in late stage of the build with high level of gems and the full equipments.



Each battle with Act Boss took me 5 mins up to run around (in order not to be killed) and then to kill the boss...My Goodness!



I also thought that I will take back my Quill Rain with Elemental Hit skill, so I kept my passives tree and just choosed a different skill, Wild Strike, which is what I want to try before.



And I play it up to now, so record it...


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