暴徒 - 盛怒 - 擊暈 (Berserker - Rage - Stun)

這個build是暴徒 + 盛怒 + 暈眩 + 核星 + 暴擊 + 充能球!

This build is an assembly of Berserker, Rage, Stun, Starforge, Critical Strike and Charges



Why are they put together? It is just a combination of what I want to play with and what I thought that could be put together.


首先是新改版的暴徒,其盛怒能力給予的加成很合我的胃口,增加傷害 、攻速還有移動速度,三個願望一次滿足,所以想要玩玩看。

Rage, Berserker's new skill, gives damage, attack speed and movement speed modifiers at the same time, like Frenzy Charge, which is my favorite. So, let's try it.



And I considered that the triggered Intimidating Cry from Farrul's Chase could offset the negative effect of Rage partially. But it was just a misunderstanding, forget it. (Yes, I had tried...)



Stun is what I want to try earlier and Starforge is what I want to use due to its powerful damage. To give more reasons to hold Starforge but not a two hand mace, it's because Starforge gives higher damage and faster attack speed than a two hand mace. Although, there is no additional stun threshold reduction for Starforge or on the passive point for swords, higher damage and faster attack speed make them even as I though.





  1. 撐高單下傷害,以超過暈眩門檻
    • 高傷害武器。
    • 附加高點傷,高增傷,或是額外獲得高百分比元素傷、混沌傷的裝備及珠寶。
    • 具有高基礎傷害加成,或是高基礎傷害的主動技能寶石。
    • 提高暴擊機率及暴擊傷害,同時高命中值也很重要。
    • 其它可以增傷的手段,buff,甚至藥水。
  2. 降低暈眩門檻,以提高暈眩機率。
    • 裝備
      • 錘類武器。
      • 爪類武器。
      • 顫抖之杖
      • 箭袋。
      • 腰帶:稀有等級,一般最高15%,精髓17%;多里亞尼之約,使用藥劑時25%。
      • 鞋子:紅刃蹂躪靴,最高10%。
      • 手套:毀面者10%。
    • 天賦
      • 通用15%。
      • 錘類18%。
    • 技能寶石
      • 重擊25%。
      • 擊暈輔助, 49%。
      • 近戰擊暈獲得耐力球輔助, 19%。
      • 督軍印記,額外增加敵人被暈眩機率10%。
  3. 拉長暈眩時間,以達到持續暈眩。
  4. 減少敵人的暈眩回復,以延長暈眩時間。


About stun...

Since it is a stun build, the concentration is on

  1. Improve damage per hit, in order to cross the enemy stun threshold.
    • High damage weapon.
    • Choose equipments or jewels with high damage improvement.
    • Active gems that deals higher % of base damage or deals higher x to x damage.
    • Increase critical strike chance and critical strike multiplier, so does accuracy rating.
    • Any other methods to increase damage, like buffs or flasks.
  2. Reduce enemy stun threshold, to increase the probability to stun.
    • Equips
      • Maces.
      • Claws.
      • Tremor Rod.
      • Quivers.
      • Belts: rare belt, up to 17%. Doryani's Invitation, 25%.
      • Boots: Redblade Tramplers, up to 10%.
      • Gloves: Facebreaker, up to 10%.
    • Passives
      • Up to 15% for Stun Mastery.
      • Up to 18% with Maces.
    • Skill gems
      • Heavy Strike25%.
      • Stun Support, 49%.
      • Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support,19%.
      • Warlord's Mark,cursed enemies have an additional 10% chance to be stunned.
  3. Extend stun duration on enemy, to make enemies always be stunned.
    The base stun duration is 0.35 seconds. If we could extend the stun duration till next stun occurs, enemies will be always stunned. It is pretty abstract to estimate when the next stun will occur, because a lot of variables may affect it, like critical strike chance, accuracy rate, some other probabilities or special conditions. But there is a good gem that could make everything easiler, it is Ruthless Support. It has a base stun duration of 0.8 seconds once ruthless blows occur every third time hits. Therefore, we can take less care about stun duration. It is enough to get stun duration from the stun associated gems with quality or from the passive points on the way to get reduced stun threshold.
  4. Reduce enemy stun recovery, to increase enemy stun duration.
    I don't care about it.



  1. 暴徒,除了有40%更多傷害,盛怒也給予最高100%攻擊增加傷害,50%攻速,20%跑速,可提升不少傷害以及操控性。缺點是每秒減少10%最大生命的血量,很有挑戰性,因此提高每秒生命回復是天賦選擇重點之一。昇華天賦中的戰爭使者,可補血、可累積盛怒值,自然很適合盛怒的優缺點。
  2. 核星,高傷害,可感電增傷,提供生命,很強大的武器。缺點是無法造成元素傷害,使得所有增傷光環、獲得額外元素傷的詞綴皆無用,這也讓裝備選擇上簡單一些。此外,基礎暴擊率低也是個硬傷。
  3. 擊暈,就是想玩。
  4. 暴擊,強大的增傷手段,很久沒玩了,想要試試。但是核星的基礎暴擊率低,加上野蠻人的天賦起始位置的關係,讓提升暴擊率和暴擊傷害面臨不少的問題。
  5. 充能球,就是喜歡有球在轉。狂怒球能大量增傷,暴擊球能提供暴擊率,耐力球提供物理減傷、每秒生命回復,配上輔助寶石也能增傷,每一種都好處多多。


Original ideas...

  1. Rage, which has at most 100% increased attack damage, 50% increased attack speed and 20% increased movement speed, is a good buff that provides damage and controlling of the character. But it will also lose up to 10% of maximum life per second, this is a good challenge and need us to choose more life regeneration on passive tree.
  2. Starfore, a powerful weapon, has high damage, life and shock ability. It has a defect that can not deal elemental damage, but this makes it easier to choose equipments and auras. Another problem is its low base critical strike chance.
  3. Stun. Yes, it is what I want to play with.
  4. Critical Strike, a powerful way to increase injury on enemies. But some difficulties need to be overcomed due to a low base critical strike chance of Starforge and the faraway distance between the start position of Marauder and critical strike chance associated passive points on passive tree.
  5. Charges. I like charges. Frenzy Charges bring more damage, Power Charges raise critical strike chance and Endurance Charges can reduce physical damage, increase life regeneration rate and even bring more damage by Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support gem.



  1. 技能選擇,以降低暈眩門檻及單純高傷害為主。
    • 重擊:擊暈技能的不二選擇,高基礎傷害加成且能降低暈眩門檻,相關的珠寶-帝國重量,還給予機率造成兩倍傷害,可惜只是個單體傷害技能。
    • 劈砍:作為群體技能,其相關珠寶-絕對壓制,能帶來護體效果,是很好的防禦輔助。
    • 擊暈輔助
    • 近戰擊暈獲得耐力球輔助
    • 近戰物理傷害輔助
    • 殘暴輔助
    • 殘虐輔助
    • 癱瘓輔助
    • 增加暴擊率輔助
  2. 提高暴擊機率和暴擊傷害,很麻煩的問題,但也是增傷效益最高的方法。
    • 核星的基礎暴擊率不高,若能增加基礎暴擊率,效率會高一點。
      • 費爾羅咥喙,在傲貓祝福的影響下,可以增加1%的基礎暴擊率。
      • 尊師身體護甲,最多可以增加1.5%攻擊基礎暴擊率。
      • 增加暴擊率輔助寶石,Lv20可以增加1.9%基礎暴擊率。
    • 野蠻人起點附近的暴擊相關天賦不多,必須要從其他地方補充。
      • 裝備。
      • 技能寶石。
      • 珠寶。
      • 暴擊球
    • 命中值,除了影響命中率,同時也影響暴擊與否。
      • 天賦:增加命中值,敏捷。
      • 裝備。
      • 珠寶。
  3. 每秒生命回復,必須要能抵消盛怒的負作用,將近10%即可。
    • 天賦為主,野蠻人附近相當容易取得,幾乎可滿足要求。
    • 耐力球,天賦中可取得每顆耐力球提供每秒0.2%生命回復。
    • 深淵珠寶。
    • 活力光環。
    • 巨石魔像


Extensional ideas...

  • Skill selection, focus on stun threshold reduction and high damage.
    • Heavy Strike: the first option for stun due to its combination of high damage and stun threshold reduction. The associated jewel, Weight of the Empire, gives probability to deal double damage. But it is a skill for single target.
    • Cleave: group skill. The associated jewel, Overwhelming Odds, gives the ability to grain Fortify on hit. It is also a good defence skill.
    • Stun Support.
    • Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support.
    • Melee Physical Damage Support.
    • Ruthless Support.
    • Brutality Support.
    • Maim Support.
    • Increased Critical Strikes Support.
  • Raising critical strike chance and critical strike multiplier. It is really a little difficult, but it also very efficient to increase damage.
    • Starforge has a low base critical strike chance. Thus, to increase base critical strike chance is more efficient than to increase normal critical strike chance.
      • Farrul's Bit, +1% to base critical strike chance while affected by Aspect of the Cat.
      • Elder body armour, let attack has at most +1.5% to base critical strike chance.
      • Increased Critical Strikes Support gem, supported skills have +1.9% to base critical strike chance.
    • There are less passive points about critical strikes from the start point of Marauder, need to obtain it from others.
      • Equipments.
      • Skill gems.
      • Jewels.
      • Power Charges.
    • Accuracy rating. It affects not only the accuracy rate but also the occurrence of critical strikes.
      • Passive points: increased x% accuracy rating, Dexterity.
      • Equipments.
      • Jewels.
  • Life regenerated per second. In order to cancel out the negative effects of Rage, we need up to 10% life regenerated per second.
    • Passive points. There are many passive points about life regenerated around the area of Marauder on passive tree, it is very easy to achieve our need from passive tree.
    • Endurance Charges. There is a passive point to grain 0.2% life regenerated per second per Endurance Charge.
    • Abyss jewels.
    • Vitality aura.
    • Stone Golem.






角色資訊 - mirube_BRS

Character information - mirube_BRS




PoE Profile Info mirube / mirube_BRS





攻擊 - 盛怒 50

Attack - Rage 50



攻擊 - 盛怒 0

Attack - Rage 0



防禦 - Rage 50

Defence - Rage 50


防禦 - Rage 0

Defence - Rage 0


天賦 - Lv 90

Passive tree - Lv 90




要滿足這些條件真的是很費功夫,基本上是無法全部滿足,而有所捨棄。由於想知道能不能暈得了T16 Boss,在天賦上的取捨以保留傷害為主,其餘則相對捨棄較多。以下數值是在大部分技能寶石Lv19Q0的狀況下所得

  1. 技能串法
    • 重擊 - 擊暈輔助 - 殘虐輔助 - 殘暴輔助 - 近戰物理傷害輔助 - 增加暴擊率輔助 (Lv19Q20)
    • 劈砍 - 殘虐輔助 - 殘暴輔助 - 癱瘓輔助 - 增加暴擊率輔助 - 增大範圍輔助
    • 躍擊 - 護體輔助 - 擊中附加詛咒輔助 - 督軍印記
    • 先祖戰士長 - 致盲輔助
    • 堅決戰吼
    • 激勵戰吼
    • 傲貓祝福 - 持續時間縮短輔助
    • 活力 (Lv19Q20)
    • 優雅 (Lv20Q20)
    • 召喚巨石魔像
  2. 暈眩相關
    • 暈眩門檻
      • 降低暈眩門檻 112% = 重擊 25% + 擊暈輔助 48% + 腰帶 14% + 紅刃蹂躪靴 10% + 天賦 15%
      • 實際降低暈眩門檻 89.92% = 75% + (112% - 75%) * 25 / (112% - 50%)
      • 暈眩最低血量 1.008% = 10% * (1 - 89.92%)
      • 必定暈眩血量 5.040% = 50% * (1 - 89.92%)
    • 暈眩時間
      • 延長暈眩時間 155% = 基礎 100% + 天賦 55%
      • 殘暴之擊 1.24 秒 = 0.8 秒 * 155%
      • 非殘暴之擊 0.54 秒 = 0.35 秒 * 155%
    • 擊暈 T16 Boss 的條件
      Boss 血量 暈眩最低傷害


      火鳳凰 12,472,323 125,729 628,645
      牛頭人 12,472,323 125,729 628,645
      奇美拉 9,537,659 96,146 480,729
      九頭蛇 9,537,659 96,146


  3. 暴擊相關
    • 基礎暴擊率 7.9% = 核星 5% + 費爾羅咥喙 1% + 增加暴擊率輔助 1.9%
    • 增加暴擊率 853% = 基礎 100% + 天賦 305% + 珠寶 41% + 增加暴擊率輔助 106% + 戒指 30% * 2 + 項鍊 21% + 暴擊球 40% * 3 + 傲貓隱身 100%
    • 暴擊加成 436% = 基礎 150% + 天賦 129% + 珠寶 120% + 項鍊 37%
    • 合計暴擊率 67.39% = 7.9% * 853%
    • 目前命中值 3414,命中率超過 90% 的狀態下,以 90% 命中率來計算實際暴擊發生率。
      • 實際暴擊發生率 60.65% = 67.39% * 90%
      • 寶鑽藥水作用下,實際暴擊發生率 84.51% = 100% - (100% - 60.65%) * (100% - 60.65%)
  4. 傷害相關
    單下傷害類型 最小值 最大值 發生機率 (%) 可能擊暈機率 (%)
    一般 寶鑽藥水 火鳳凰 奇美拉



    - - - - - -


    - 15,962 33,277 39.35 15.49 0 0


    18,676 38,934 0 0


    19,793 41,263 0 0




    23,158 48,278 0 0


    - 69,594 145,088 60.65 84.51 0~23 0~30
    先祖戰士長 81,425 169,753 0~27 0~35
    獅吼藥水 86,297 179,909 0~29 0~37




    100,967 210,493 0~33 21~44



    - - - - - -


    - 33,680 70,214 23.61 9.29 0 0
    先祖戰士長 39,405 82,151 0 0
    獅吼藥水 41,763 87,066 0 0




    48,863 101,867 0 0~21


    - 67,360 140,429 15.74 6.19 0~22 0~29
    先祖戰士長 78,811 164,302 0~26 0~34
    獅吼藥水 83,526 174,132 0~28 0~36




    97,725 203,734 0~32 20~42


    - 146,844 306,135 36.39 50.71 23~49 31~64
    先祖戰士長 171,807 358,178 27~57 36~75
    獅吼藥水 182,087 379,608 29~60 38~79




    213,041 444,141 34~71 44~92




    - 293,688 612,270 24.26 33.81 47~97 61~127
    先祖戰士長 343,615 716,356 55~114 71~149
    獅吼藥水 364,173 759,215 58~121 76~158




    426,083 888,282 68~141 89~185

    • 一般攻擊和殘暴之擊分開來討論,因為是規律性地 2 次一般攻擊接著 1 次殘暴之擊,循環發生。
    • 在 90% 命中率的狀態下,依據 POE 的命中機制,若有 1 次攻擊未擊中,表示接下來的 9 次攻擊皆會命中,其中必包含 3 次殘暴之擊。
    • 盛怒滿 50,且有召喚出先祖戰士長,並喝了寶鑽藥水和獅吼藥水的狀況之下,擊暈火鳳凰和奇美拉的機率的期望值為
      單下傷害類型 擊暈機率 暈眩時間 (秒)
      火鳳凰 奇美拉
      一般攻擊 17.49% 27.38% 0.54
      殘暴之擊 59.12% 70.39% 1.24
    • 攻速每秒 3.77 次的狀態下,每 0.265 秒會攻擊 1 次,9 次攻擊會在 2.4 秒內完成。每次攻擊若造成暈眩,其暈眩時間與攻擊次數的覆蓋如下。由於殘暴之擊的暈眩機率較高且暈眩時間較長,若想要造成連續的暈眩,延長暈眩時間,讓殘暴之擊的暈眩時間可以覆蓋到其後第二次殘暴之擊,可大大增加連續暈眩的機率。以目前狀況來說,就是需要暈眩時間 1.59 秒 = 0.265 * 6,即為延長暈眩時間 198% = 1.59 / 0.8。基本上只要將擊暈輔助重擊到Q20即可。
      • |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--
      • 0                               1                               2                               3
      • |------------- 殘暴 -------------|
      •          |--- 一般  ---|
      •                   |--- 一般  ---|
      •                           |------------- 殘暴 -------------|
      •                                    |--- 一般  ---|
      •                                              |--- 一般  ---|
      •                                                      |------------- 殘暴 -------------|
      •                                                               |--- 一般  ---|
      •                                                                        |--- 一般  ---|
      •                                                                                 | -------- 殘暴 -------
      •                                                                                         |--- 一般  ---|
    • 以上傷害表格參考 


    • 頭盔費爾羅咥喙在致盲時增加48%傷害,換算之後大約是整體 7.72% 更多傷害。同樣在有召喚出先祖戰士長,並喝了寶鑽藥水的狀況下,攻擊開始 1.1 秒內的致盲機率大約是 52.15% = 27.1% + 31.05% = (1 - (1 - 10%)^3) + {1 - [(1 - 84.51%)^4 + (84.51% * (1 - 17%)) * (1 - 84.51%)^3 + (84.51% * (1 - 17%))^2 * (1 - 84.51%)^2 + (84.51% * (1 - 17%))^3 * (1 - 84.51%) + (84.51% * (1 - 17%))^4]}
  5. 生命回復相關
    • 每秒生命回復 11.52% = 天賦 7.9% + 活力光環 1.6% + 巨石魔像,每秒103生命回復約等於 2.02% ( = 103 / 5095)
    • 地圖詞綴減少60%生命回復是可以打的,只需用戰吼定時回復生命,依然可以維持滿盛怒。但是遇到狂暴的怪物會相對危險。
  6. 充能球


It is difficult to satisfy all I want. Thus, some are discarded. The purpose is to stun T16 Boss. So, high damage is what I concern first. The following data are obtained in the case of Lv19Q0 skill gems.

  1. Skills
    • Heavy Strike - Stun Support - Brutality Support - Ruthless Support - Melee Physical Damage Support - Increased Critical Strikes Support (Lv19Q20)
    • Cleave - Brutality Support - Ruthless Support - Maim Support - Increased Critical Strikes Support - Increased Area of Effect Support
    • Leap Slam - Fortify Support - Curse on Hit Support - Warlord's Mark
    • Ancestral Warchief - Blind Support
    • Enduring Cry
    • Rallying Cry
    • Aspect of the Cat - Less Duration Support
    • Vitality (Lv19Q20)
    • Grace (Lv20Q20)
    • Summon Stone Golem
  2. About stun
    • Stun threshold
      • Reduced stun threshold 112% = Heavy Strike 25% + Stun Support 48% + belt 14% + Redblade Trampler 10% + passives 15%
      • Actual reduced stun threshold 89.92% = 75% + (112% - 75%) * 25 / (112% - 50%)
      • Removed life with 20% chance to stun 1.008% = 10% * (1 - 89.92%)
      • Removed life with 100% chance to stun 5.040% = 50% * (1 - 89.92%)
    • Stun duration
      • Increased stun duration 155% = base 100% + passives 55%
      • Ruthless blow 1.24s = 0.8s * 155%
      • non ruthless blow 0.54s = 0.35s * 155%
    • Conditions to stun T16 Boss
      Boss Effective Max Life Min Damage to Stun

      Must Stun

      Phoenix 12,472,323 125,729 628,645
      Minotaur 12,472,323 125,729 628,645
      Chimera 9,537,659 96,146 480,729
      Hydra 9,537,659 96,146


  3. About critical strikes
    • Base critical strike chance 7.9% = Starforge 5% + Farrul's Bite 1% + Increased Critical Strikes Support 1.9%
    • Increased critical strike chance 853% = base 100% + passives 305% + jewel 41% + Increased Critical Strikes Support 106% + rings 30% * 2 + amulet 21% + Power Charges 40% * 3 + Cat's Stealth 100%
    • Critical strike multiplier 436% = base 150% + passives 129% + jewel 120% + amulet 37%
    • Critical strike chance 67.39% = 7.9% * 853%
    • Current accuracy rating is 3414, it is about 90% accuracy rate. Let's compute the acutal critical strike chance in the case of 90% accuracy rate.
      • Actual critical strike chance 60.65% = 67.39% * 90%
      • During diamond flask effect, actual critical strike chance 84.51% = 100% - (100% - 60.65%) * (100% - 60.65%)
  4. About damage
    Types of Hit Min Max Occurence Probability (%) Stun Probability (%)
    No Flask Diamond Flask Phoenix Chimera

    Non Ruthless Blow


    - - - - - -


    - 15,962 33,277 39.35 15.49 0 0

    Ancestral Warchief

    18,676 38,934 0 0

    Lion's Roar

    19,793 41,263 0 0

    Ancestral Warchief


    Lion's Roar

    23,158 48,278 0 0

    Critical Strikes

    - 69,594 145,088 60.65 84.51 0~23 0~30
    Ancestral Warchief 81,425 169,753 0~27 0~35
    Lion's Roar 86,297 179,909 0~29 0~37

    Ancestral Warchief


    Lion's Roar

    100,967 210,493 0~33 21~44

    Ruthless Blow


    - - - - - -


    - 33,680 70,214 23.61 9.29 0 0
    Ancestral Warchief 39,405 82,151 0 0
    Lion's Roar 41,763 87,066 0 0

    Ancestral Warchief


    Lion's Roar

    48,863 101,867 0 0~21


    - 67,360 140,429 15.74 6.19 0~22 0~29
    Ancestral Warchief 78,811 164,302 0~26 0~34
    Lion's Roar 83,526 174,132 0~28 0~36

    Ancestral Warchief


    Lion's Roar

    97,725 203,734 0~32 20~42

    Critical Strikes

    - 146,844 306,135 36.39 50.71 23~49 31~64
    Ancestral Warchief 171,807 358,178 27~57 36~75
    Lion's Roar 182,087 379,608 29~60 38~79

    Ancestral Warchief


    Lion's Roar

    213,041 444,141 34~71 44~92

    Critical Strikes



    - 293,688 612,270 24.26 33.81 47~97 61~127
    Ancestral Warchief 343,615 716,356 55~114 71~149
    Lion's Roar 364,173 759,215 58~121 76~158

    Ancestral Warchief


    Lion's Roar

    426,083 888,282 68~141 89~185

    Brief say...
    • The occurence probability of normal hit and ruthless blow are computered separatedly. It's because that they happened regularly as 2 normal hits followed by 1 ruthless blow in turn.
    • Under the mechanics in POE about accuracy, with 90% accuracy rate, if there is a hit missed, the following 9 attacks will hit, including 3 ruthless blow.
    • In the case of having 50 Rage, Ancestral Warchief summoned, affected by diamond flask and Lion's Roar, the expected probability to stun Phoenix and Chimera are
      Type of Hit Stun Probability Stun Duration (second)
      Phoenix Chimera
      Normal Hit 17.49% 27.38% 0.54
      Ruthless Blow 59.12% 70.39% 1.24
    • Attack speed 3.77 per second means that attacks will happen every 0.265 seconds and 9 attacks will occur in 2.4 seconds. The following chart shows that the stun duration of each attack if it stun enemies. Due to the higher stun probability and longer stun duration of ruthless blow, if extending the stun duration of ruthless blow to cover the followed second time of ruthless blow, it should be more efficient to keep the enemies stunned continuously. The second ruthless blow after current one is in 1.59s = 0.265 * 6. It needs increased stun duration 198% = 1.59 / 0.8. So, basicaly, Q20 Heavy Strike and Q20 Stun Support can match the requirement.
      • |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--
      • 0                               1                               2                               3
      • |-------- ruthless blow--------|
      •          |-- normal --|
      •                   |-- normal --|
      •                           |-------- ruthless blow--------|
      •                                    |-- normal --|
      •                                              |-- normal --|
      •                                                      |-------- ruthless blow--------|
      •                                                               |-- normal --|
      •                                                                        |-- normal --|
      •                                                                                 |---- ruthless blow---
      •                                                                                         |-- normal --|
    • Reference Sheet

    • Farrul's Bite provides 48% increased damage against blinded enemies. It is equal to 7.72% more damage at the above situation. After starting to attack for 1.1 seconds, the probability to binld enemies is 52.15% = 27.1% + 31.05% = (1 - (1 - 10%)^3) + {1 - [(1 - 84.51%)^4 + (84.51% * (1 - 17%)) * (1 - 84.51%)^3 + (84.51% * (1 - 17%))^2 * (1 - 84.51%)^2 + (84.51% * (1 - 17%))^3 * (1 - 84.51%) + (84.51% * (1 - 17%))^4]}
  5. Life regeneration
    • Life regeneration per second 11.52% = passives 7.9% + Vitality 1.6% + Stone Golem103 life regeneration per second, which is equal to 2.02% ( = 103 / 5095)
    • It is able to go maps with 60% less life regenration mod. It only needs warcry to keep full life and Rage. But it is still dangerous to face crazy monsters.
  6. Charges
    There is no enough passive point, Endurance Charges are sacrificed first.



  1. 可以暈 T16 Boss,很好!
  2. 這篇寫的好累啊!
  3. 上面一堆算式都是寫的時候才算的,主要是想看擊暈機率大概多少,因為打奇美拉時,確實暈了完整1/4條血量,雖然也只是非常短的幾秒鐘。火鳳凰確實也暈了一下子,但是卻被旁邊的小鳳凰給幹掉了。
  4. 擊暈時間似乎也有投資的價值。
  5. 可以再調整傷害跟生存的比例,但是沒興趣這麼做了。
  6. 在打 T16 之前,降低暈眩門檻只有 97%,然而打起 T15 以前的 Boss 也相當輕鬆,除了有階段性的 Boss,幾乎都會暈且可以秒殺。但是沒暈到也有可能被秒殺...。
  7. 機動力和攻擊速度比起之前的角色都慢多了,攻擊範圍也沒有那麼大,花了很多時間才習慣,因此打法上也有所改變。以前機動力高,攻速快,可以在遠距離小怪攻擊前,跳入怪群裡幹掉他們,再迅速脫離戰場,基本上就是正面突入。而這角色在遇到小怪群時,可能無法取得先機,在被發現而先被攻擊前,先繞到怪群的側邊,等他們出手攻擊的空檔,再靠近攻擊,繼續迂迴。而優點是連群體技能─劈砍的傷害也高,可以暈得了小怪或是稀有怪,甚至揮一下就將小怪全滅,也頗舒服的。



  1. Can stun T16 Boss, very good!!
  2. So tired to write this blog...
  3. All calculations above are completed during the writing of this blog, because I want to know how many chances the character has to stun Chimera. In the battle with Chimera, it was really stunned continuously for its 1/4 efficient max life, even if this only took few seconds. It also happened to stun Phoenix for few seconds, but finally be killed by small phoenixes around there.
  4. It is also worth to invest in stun duration.
  5. Need to adjust the investment ratio between damage and survivability. But I have no interest to do that now.
  6. Before going to T16, the reduced stun threshold is 97%, but it is easy enough to kill boss under T15. Instant kill is usual if stun the boss, otherwise being instant killed is also usual.
  7. The agility and attack speed of this build are much slower than the previous characters and the attack range is also smaller, it took me much time to adapt to this character. Before, with high agility and attack speed, we could jump into the monster groups, kill them and jump out before they attack. Direct breakthrought is a good option. But this character is often been found and attacked first by ranged monsters, so run around and wait for monsters attacking. Once they attack, we close to them, attack them and then go around. I think it is a better way to game. Besides, Cleave also has high damage to stun monsters, even rare monsters.



The end...