元素使 - 野性打擊 (Elementalist - Wild Strike)


As what I thought at the first, I want to make a build of Elementalist with Elemental Hit and Quill Rain.

But I made a decision to discard this build temporarily after ACT10 was completed, because of its low damage.



I think that it will be gamed smoothly in late stage of the build with high level of gems and the full equipments.



Each battle with Act Boss took me 5 mins up to run around (in order not to be killed) and then to kill the boss...My Goodness!



I also thought that I will take back my Quill Rain with Elemental Hit skill, so I kept my passives tree and just choosed a different skill, Wild Strike, which is what I want to try before.



And I play it up to now, so record it...




  1. 驟雨之弦有最快的攻速,但是有40%較少武器傷害。
  2. 元素打擊提供的傷害不多,而且攻擊對象只有單體,對於群體怪必須串上高階多重輔助,使得傷害更少。
  3. 基於以上,非常需要額外的元素點傷,其來源有光環、珠寶、輔助技能寶石、裝備附加元素傷害。
    • 光環:雷霆
    • 捷光環:冰霜之捷閃電之捷
    • 珠寶:烈炎之兆
    • 深淵珠寶:攻擊附加元素傷害
    • 輔助技能寶石:附加冰冷傷害附加閃電傷害亢奮霜咬
    • 裝備:攻擊附加元素傷害
  4. 由於傷害並非單一元素傷害,元素使的昇華提供所有的元素穿透是很好的選擇,元素匯流也可以提供更好的元素異常效果。
  5. 利用驟雨之弦的高攻速,配合竊罪戒指的擊中回復生命提高生存力。


Original ideas (based on Quill Rain and Elemental Hit)...

  1. Quill Rain is with the rapidest attack speed in POE, but it also has 40% less weapon damage.
  2. Elemental Hit provides not much damage and it can only attack single target at a time. So it needs to link with 'Greater Multiple Projectiles Support' gem, however, it also has less damage.
  3. Based on the above, we need much added elemental damage, which could be got by auras, heralds, jewels, support gems and other equipments.
    • Auras: Wrath.
    • Heralds: Herald of Ice, Herald of Thunder.
    • Jewels: Mantra of Flames.
    • Abyssal Jewels: adds elemental damage to attacks.
    • Support Gems: Added Cold Damage Support, Added Lightning Damage Support, Innervate Support, Ice Bite Support.
    • Equipments: adds elemental damage to attacks.
  4. We will have elemental damage of fire, cold or lightning, so we need all types of elemental penetration. Elementalist is a good choice. And the Elemental Conflux also helps to get better effect of elemental ailment.
  5. The ring, Thief's Torment, has high life gained ability. With high attack speed, it could help the build not easy to die.



  1. 其一源自於烈炎之兆珠寶,身上的每個buff可以增加火焰點傷。能作為buff的請參考

    Mantra of Flames - Official Path of Exile Wiki。於是就想要讓身上常駐很多buff,而這也和元素使的昇華天賦很搭,所以有了4到6光環加上3到5魔像的構想。

  2. 其二源自於獸獵聯盟新增的技能和相關獨特裝,傲貓祝福費爾羅羽衣
    • 傲貓祝福是光環,是個buff可以增傷,並且是攻防兼具的技能
    • 費爾羅羽衣使傲貓祝福不需魔力消耗,還可以毫不費力地取得狂怒球暴擊球。再搭配福爾的忠誠護符,以及在天賦取得各能量球的持續時間延長,加上在傲貓祝福串上持續時間縮短輔助,就可以完全常駐狂怒球暴擊球耐力球!對於喜歡有很多球在身邊繞的人而言,根本是神物,以前只有在戰場打怪才有球,現在站在藏身處就有了!我的天!花惹發!!噢麥尬!!!
    • 至於在取得傲貓祝福費爾羅羽衣之前,是以德瑞索的衛衣來獲得耐力球猛攻的。那麼在打王時要怎麼拿各種能量球啊? 球什麼的就讓他去吧...
  3. 魔像越多越好!元素使的昇華天賦,在越多魔像時,可以增加越多的傷害,也能增加魔像buff的效果,是這個build的傷害來源之一。利用三個先祖珠寶加上聚魂石,共可召喚4魔像。先祖珠寶的選擇,以提高魔像血量,讓魔像較不易死亡,更穩定地常駐魔像buff可能會比較好,可用到二、三個先祖力量珠寶來增加魔像血量。
  4. 預計常駐的buff有
    • 光環: 清晰(單純增加一buff)、雷霆(提供不少閃電傷害)
    • 捷光環: 冰霜之捷(提供冰冷傷害及擊殺範圍傷害)閃電之捷(提供閃電傷害及擊殺連鎖傷害)
    • 其它魔力保留技能: 傲貓祝福(增加攻擊速度、暴擊率,避免傷害)
    • 魔像: 寒冰魔像烈焰魔像閃電魔像(除各自的buff,還能增加傷害和本身buff效果)
    • 能量球: 狂怒球(增加攻擊速度,更多傷害)暴擊球(增加暴擊率,更容易觸發元素超載)耐力球(物理減傷)
    • 其它: 元素匯流(增加元素異常效果)元素超載(更多傷害)猛攻(增加攻擊速度、跑速)護體(減傷)




Extension ideas...

  1. A first idea is from Mantra of Flames jewel. As many buffs on me, as much fire damage I could get. What does the buff mean, please refer to

    Mantra of Flames - Official Path of Exile Wiki. The jewel seems to be much suitable to Elementalist's ascendancy passive skill. Thus, it's the beginning of the thought to keep 4~6 auras/heralds and 3~5 golems at a moment.

  2. A second idea is from Aspect of the Cat skill and Farrul's Fur body amour.
    • Aspect of the Cat is an Aura, it is a buff that can help to add fire damage by Mantra of Flames. It is also a good skill for both offence and defence.
    • Farrul's Fur makes Aspect of the Cat no mana reservation and makes Frenzy Charges and Power Charges easy to get. With Voll's Devotion and x% increased xxx Charge Duration in passive tree and Aspect of the Cat linked with Less Duration Support gem, keeping three types of charges at hideout becomes possible! Wow!
    • Before having Aspect of the Cat and Farrul's Fur, Daresso's Defiance is used to gain Endurance Charges and Onslaught. In boss battle, let us forget what the charges are...
  3. The more golems, the better. The Liege of the Primordial skill in Elementalist's ascendancy passive tree provides more 'increased damage' and more 'increased effect of buff from golem' while there are more golems summoned. It is one of damage source. Equipping three Primordial jewels and The Anima Stone jewel could summon up to 4 golems at a time. And equipping more Primordial Might jewel to make golem more life may be a better choice.
  4. Expected to have following buffs
    • Auras: Clarity (just a buff), Wrath (lightning damage).
    • Heralds: Herald of Ice (cold damage and ranged damage)Herald of Thunder (lightning damage and ranged damage).
    • Other mana reserved skills: Aspect of the Cat (attack speed, critical strike chance and chance to avoid damage).
    • Golems: Ice GolemFlame GolemLightning Golem (increased damage and increased effect of buff from themselves).
    • Charges: Frenzy Charge (attack speed, more damage)Power Charge (critical strike chance)Endurance Charge (physical damage reduction).
    • Others: Shaper of Desolation (more effect of elemental ailment)Elemental Overload (more damage)Onslaught (attack speed, movement speed), Fortify (damage reduction).



  1. 幾乎所有的近戰武器都可以拿,挑把便宜、高攻速、高dps的就很好用,因為
    • 野性打擊將物理傷害100%轉換成隨機元素傷害。
    • 天賦以增加元素和全域傷害為主,只有少量的近戰傷害、物理傷害。
  2. 拿盾可以增加生命、閃避、護甲和格檔,甚至也有提供buff的盾,像是
    • 漢恩的遺產,滿耐力球獲得猛攻,而我們可以常駐耐力球
    • 堅毅之蝕,提供元素聖盾
  3. 飾品是增加傷害的來源之一,最好的選擇是有"攻擊技能增加x%元素傷害"詞綴;其次為攻擊附加點傷詞綴,物理或任何元素皆可。
  4. 輔助技能寶石以提供傷害效率高的為主,依據武器本身的傷害,加上所有裝備和珠寶的點傷總合,主要從以下幾種選擇。
    • 附加冰冷傷害輔助
    • 附加閃電傷害輔助
    • 霜咬輔助
    • 亢奮輔助
    • 急凍輔助
    • 元素傷害攻擊輔助
    • 多重打擊輔助
    • 殘暴輔助
    • 元素集中輔助,無法造成元素異常。
    • 滿血傷害輔助,但在近戰中,經常不在滿血狀態。
  5. 關於使用的武器
    • 雙持: 優點就是雙持的特性,10%更多攻擊速度,15%額外格檔機率,20%更多攻擊物理傷害;我們有一半以上的傷害是元素點傷,吃不到20%的加成。缺點就是要找第二把武器。
    • 單手武器加盾: 優點是盾提供的防禦能力(生命、抗性、閃避、護甲、格檔)及特殊能力,且盾相對容易取得。缺點是移動速度會減少約3%。
    • 雙手武器: 優點是傷害較高。缺點是攻擊速度較慢。
    • 持爪: 擊中回血甚至回魔,可以提高生存能力。
    • 持單手劍: 有較高的命中。
    • 持雙手劍: 攻擊傷害較高,攻擊半徑較大。拿過核虛,真的是很強大,搭配野性打擊的100%轉換元素傷,可視為一把dps1000的武器。缺點是喝藥水阿茲里的諾言無法增傷。後來為了操控的流暢度,還是使用漢恩的遺產以取得猛攻效果。若是能將傲貓祝福移到非頭盔的裝備,就可以使用德沃托的信念之盔來取代漢恩盾猛攻效果,這樣應該就可以重新拿起核虛吧。但是因此哲櫟的抗性問題要整個重新調整,太費功夫,以後再說吧。


After Wild Strike...

  1. Can use almost all melee weapons. A cheaper weapon with high attack speed and high DPS is good enough to use. Because
    • Wild Strike converts 100% physical damage to a random elemental damage.
    • There are more elemental damage or global damage in passive tree and less melee or physical damage.
  2. Can hold a shield to get more life, evasion, armour and block chance. There are some shields also providing buff, like
    • Ahn's Heritage, having Onslaught while at maximum Eduration Charges.
    • Magna Eclipsis, having Elemental Aegis while equipped.
  3. The mods 'x% increased elemental damage (with attack skills)' on ring and belt are one of damage source. Choice rings and belt with the mod. The other mods 'adds x to x physical (or cold, fire, lightning) damage to attack' are also good.
  4. The selection of support gems is according to the total damage from weapon, jewels and all other equipments. Select what can give more damage.
    • Added Cold Damage Support
    • Added Lightning Damage Support
    • Ice Bit Support
    • Innervate Support
    • Hypothermia Support
    • Elemental Damage with Attacks Support
    • Multistrike Support
    • Ruthless Support

    And just don't like to choose the followings.

    • Elemental Focus Support,which could not inflict elemental ailments.
    • Damage on Full LIfe Support,that I don't offen be in full life status with melee attacking.
  5. Something about weapons to use
    • Dual wielding: the stats granted via dual wielding is its advantage, 10% more attack speed, 15% additional block chance, 20% more attack physical damage. Elemental damage is our main type of damage, so 20% more attack physical damage is less benifit. The defect is that we need to find a second weapon.
    • One-handed weapon with shield: the advantage is the defence abilities (life, resistances, evasion, armour, block, etc.) and the special properties come from the shield. To get a shield is more easier than a weapon. The defect is 3% reduced movement speed.
    • Two-handed weapon: higher damage but slower attack speed.
    • With claw: life (and mana) gained for each enemy hit by attacks. Improve survivability.
    • With one hand sword: improve accuracy rating.
    • With two hand sword: higher damage, larger attack range. Voidforge, a really very powerful weapon, with Wild Strike converting 100% physical damage to elemental damage, it could be treated as a weapon with 1000 dps. The defect is to loss the effect of Atziri's Promise. But, for the fluency of control, still choose to hold Ahn's Heritage to gain Onslaught for now. If taking Devoto's Devotion to replace Farrul's Bite and putting Aspect of the Cat on another equip that has at least one socket, Onslaught could be replaced by the properties on Devoto's Devotion, and it is possible to pick up Voidforge again. But there will be a biggest issue to deal with the resistance problem for using The Wise Oak. It is a big job, so let's do later...




  1. 技能串法
    • 野性打擊 - 附加冰冷傷害輔助 - 急凍輔助 - 元素傷害攻擊輔助 - 殘暴輔助 - 多重打擊輔助
    • 先祖衛士 - 近戰傷害擴散輔助 - 致盲輔助
    • 躍擊 - 護體輔助 - 擊中附加詛咒輔助 - 時空鎖鏈
    • 召喚寒冰魔像 - 召喚烈焰魔像 - 召喚閃電魔像 - 召喚物生命輔助
    • 召喚巨石魔像
    • 冰霜之捷
    • 灰燼之捷
    • 閃電之捷
    • 清晰 (Lv1 Q0)
    • 極地裝甲
    • 傲貓祝福 - 持續時間縮短輔助 (Lv3 Q0 or Lv4 Q0)
  2. 常駐能量球
    • 狂怒球: 天賦取得18%持續時間延長,使得整體持續時間為11.8秒。可一直維持滿球狀態。
    • 暴擊球福爾的忠誠護符減少30%持續時間,使得整體持續時間為7秒。表示每7.08秒會有0.08秒的瞬間沒有暴擊球,立刻又滿球。
    • 耐力球福爾的忠誠護符減少30%持續時間,天賦取得18%持續時間延長,使得整體持續時間為8.8秒。透過福爾的忠誠護符能力,每7.08秒暴擊球消失時,取得耐力球,可一直維持滿球狀態。由於是由暴擊球轉換而來,因此進入新地圖時,都會有14.08秒的暖機時間才會滿球。
  3. 角色傷害
    • Buff的輪流切換,造成dps不斷跳動
      • 傲貓祝福會輪流切換兩個buff。
      • 元素使昇華天賦,每10秒中有5秒增加75%元素傷害。
      • 在技能寶石幾乎都是Lv19 Q20狀況下,面板dps最大值約70000,最小值約60000,可取平均值65000。
    • 技能寶石未納入計算
      • 野性打擊將物理轉換為元素傷害部分,沒有經過元素傷害加成。
      • 急凍輔助的39%更多傷害。
      • 殘暴輔助的平均38%更多傷害。
      • 將以上三者納入計算,粗略估計為4倍面板傷害。
  4. 防禦方面
  5. 常駐狀態
    • 6 光環 - 冰霜之捷灰燼之捷閃電之捷清晰極地裝甲傲貓祝福
    • 4 魔像 - 寒冰魔像烈焰魔像閃電魔像巨石魔像
    • 3 能量球 - 6 狂怒球、3 暴擊球、5 耐力球
    • 其他增益狀態 - 猛攻元素匯流護體 (戰鬥時)、元素超載 (戰鬥時)



Have refined the passive tree several times in order to get more charges or to active more auras at the same time. But, finally, I still choose to get more life points for survival purpose and more attack and movement speed points for control ability. Hope to complete the remaining maps in ATLAS smoothly. Describe the current states.

  1. Skill gems
    • Wild Strike - Added Cold Damage Support - Hypothermia Support - Elemental Damage with Attacks Support - Ruthless Support - Multistrike Support
    • Ancestral Protector - Melee Splash Support - Blind Support
    • Leap Slam - Fortify Support - Curse on Hit Support - Temporal Chains
    • Summon Ice Golem - Summon Flame Golem - Summon Lightning Golem - Minion Life Support
    • Summon Stone Golem
    • Herald of Ice
    • Herald of Ash
    • Herald of Thunder
    • Clarity (Lv1 Q0)
    • Arctic Armour
    • Aspect of the Cat - Less Duration Support (Lv3 Q0 or Lv4 Q0)
  2. Charges
    It's a collocation of Aspect of the CatFarrul's Fur and Voll's Devotion. When Aspect of the Cat is active with Farrul's Fur, the duration of Cat's Stealth and Cat's Agility buff are 6 seconds respectively. After Aspect of the Cat is linked with Lv4 Less Duration Support gem, the duration of Cat's Stealth and Cat's Agility buff becomes 3.54 seconds respectively and totally 7.08 seconds. This means that we will gain maximum number of Frenzy and Power Charges every 7.08 seconds.
    • Frenzy charges: we gain 18% increased duration by passive point and make the total duration be 11.8 seconds. So Frenzy Charges could be kept forever.
    • Power charges: we take 30% reduced duration by Voll's Devotion and make the total duration be 7 seconds. Thus, we will loss all Power Charges for 0.08 seconds every 7.08 seconds.
    • Endurance charges: we gain 18% incread duration by passive point, 30% reduced duration by Voll's Devotion and make the total duration be 8.8 seconds. With the ability of Voll's Devotion, we gain Endurance Charges while lossing Power Charges every 7.08 seconds, that could let Endurance Charges be kept forever. Due to gaining Endurance Charges from lossing Power Charges, it needs 14.08 seconds to warm up for full Endurance Charges after entering a new map.
  3. Offence
    The DPS displayed on character dashboard is not correct due to
    • Buff rotation.
      • When Aspect of the Cat is active, there are Cat's Stealth and Cat's Agility buffs rotating in sequence.
      • We gain 75% increased elemental damage for 5 seconds every 10 seconds from Pendulum of Destruction skill in Elementalist's ascendancy passive tree.
      • The maximum and minimum DPS's on dashboard are 70000 and 60000. Take 65000 as average DPS.
    • Some damage modifiers from skill gems are not applied into DPS.
      • The physcial damage converted to elemental damage via Wild Strike skill is not computed with elemental damage modifiers.
      • 39% more damage from Hypothermia Support is not applied.
      • 38% more melee damage in average from Ruthless Support is not applied.
      • It is about 4 times to the current DPS after computing above three modifiers.
  4. Defence
    (nothing important, pass...)
  5. Buffs
    • 6 auras / heralds - Herald of Ice, Herald of Ash, Herald of Thunder, Clarity, Arctic Armour, Aspect of the Cat.
    • 4 golems - Ice GolemFlame GolemLightning GolemStone Golem.
    • 3 types of charges - 6 Frenzy Charges, 3 Power Charges, 5 Endurance Charges.
    • Other buffs - Onslaught, Elemental Conflux, Fortify (in battle), Elemental Overload (in battle).


角色資訊 - mirube_EQE

Character information - mirube_EQE



PoE Profile Info mirube / mirube_EQE














天賦樹 - Lv 91

Passive tree - Lv 91


天賦樹 - Lv 100

Passive tree - Lv 100


天賦樹 - 點了26%減少魔力保留,加上所有光環都串連Lv4啟蒙輔助,可以多開雷霆光環,一共是七光環,但需要另一個六連武器。

Passive tree - get up to 26% reduced mana reservation. We could active one more aura, Wrath, and then up to 7 auras/heralds at a time, after linking all auras and heralds with Lv4 Enlighten Support. But we need a 6L weapon to reach it.


天賦樹 - 取得多一顆狂怒球耐力球

Passive tree - get more charges.








Interesting build, but fucking expensive...








Simple summary...

After completing all maps in ATLAS, the build is much more powerful than I thought. It is very smooth to complete the maps under T15. As for T16, still can not to defeat the Hydra and Minotaur. Maybe I sould upgrade my computer or exercise more times.

Besides, the cooperation of Wild Strike and all Heralds is really powerful. The character could clear a group of monsters in a moment even if it stands at a corner of the group of monsters. This increases the survivability very much.

Finally, it is really an interesting build. Most of damage is from various buffs, and the damage from buffs is inded far beyond my imagination. At the moment, ATLAS is completed, the DPS displayed in character's dashboard is 77000 in average with full buffs, and the one without buffs is 17000 in average. Huge differecne right, HAHA...





The end...